India is expected to be one of the fastest-growing economies in the world over the next several decades and expected to drive up the building sector energy consumption faster than anywhere in the world—by an average of 2.7% per year between 2015 and 2040, more than twice the global average increase. This calls for the upgradation of technology aiming for residential sector to curb with energy usage efficiently and creating a smart environment.
With the transformation of energy systems, the appliances and devices are getting more intelligent. Smart grid concept is been widely promoted and with the help of new digital technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of things, blockchain etc. are also getting popular in various domains with energy factor being a priority. Overall projection of electrical load from residential sector is quite high which accounts for the need to increase energy efficiency, dynamic optimization of energy consumption, and integration with the overall smartness of the electrical distribution network.
A smart home is a unique and a promising concept where a normal home can be constructed in a way that all appliances can interact with each other automatically by ensuring the residence’ needs and demands. It incorporates many technologies with it. When we talk about buildings and devices automation we tend to tilt towards energy efficiency concerning the power consumed by the device or CO2 generation from the buildings. Integrating the energy-efficient residences with less power utilization based technology leads to a healthy and a smart way of life.
Under Indo German Energy Programme, GIZ and Bureau of Energy Efficiency together are working on national energy efficiency policies to be proposed for Home Automation. This study is titled as “Smart Home Programme – Technology Assessment Study and Pilot Design”. The objective of this programme is to review global practices, evaluate technologies for home automation and develop a pilot programme highlighting benefits and challenges. This programme is divided into 3 parts:
This part comprises of 2 sections. The Technology Mapping section consists of understanding and mapping of major Home Automation technologies like Artificial Intelligent(Data Analytics and Machine Learning), IoT, Blackchain etc. are studied which are currently available in National and International market. Also, technological review is done to comprehend hardware and software solutions, challenges with respect to cyber security with required realignment of individual privacy concepts in India.
The Baseline Assessment section deals with the assessment of consumer technology markets in India, size of the national market for Home Automation systems with stock, market share of major manufacturers and distribution channels, impact of building energy codes and green building certifications, market dynamics, segmentation and analysis. After the assessment of the above factors generating a forecast for the future growth of the market in this field with the analysis of the product features of customer choice, building a detailed questionnaire to identify the key drivers and barriers in the market.
This part deals with the review of international standards and application of technologies, international policies, programs/roadmaps for promoting smart, demand response ready homes for achieving energy optimization with international examples for smart homes and develop a National Policy roadmap for residential energy efficiency in India
This part deals with the development of a scheme to understand the cost implications and energy conservation potential of home automation devices for energy efficiency. The role of this scheme is to understand optimal strategies to encourage smart home automation through building energy efficiency polices like Residential Energy Labelling Program, Eco-Niwas Samhita etc. The scheme will also test the feasibility of promoting smart homes, technological solutions and implications of integrating demand response ready, smart homes in future residential building energy efficiency policies with proper test surveys.
This initiative is a good start to make every home in our country smart enough and giving individuals full space for his/her comfort. A smart way to live life with a great scope of spending less and getting more accounting for proper energy management measures to secure the energy for future generation.
Intern, GIZ