The EcoNiwas Samhita 2018, residential building code was launched by the Ministry of Power,Govt. of India in December,2018.The implementation of the building code in Karnataka is undertaken by ENS cell Karnataka in support with BEE,GIZ and KREDL.In this context,the awareness creation programme for the state of Karnataka has been going on in different places in the state. A one day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was organized by ENS Cell Karnatka in collaboration with BEE,GIZ and KREDL on 22nd June,2020 for the faculties and students of BMS College of Architecture, Bengaluru.The objective of organizing the webinar was to give an overview of the code,its scope and technical features along with compliance to the audience.Different case studies and compliance tool for EcoNiwas Samhita were explained in the sessions by the speakers.The technical session was followed by a Q&A session where various questions regarding the code,technical requirements and about other policies of BEE in building sectors were raised by the attendees.The total no. of participants was 72 from the aforementioned college in the webinar.