One day awareness webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was organized by ENS Cell,Delhi in support with Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Punjab Energy Development Agency(PEDA) and GIZ on 23rd September,2020 for GZS School of Architecture and Planning, MRSPTU, Bathinda.This webinar was organized by the ENS Cell,Punjab in support with PEDA, BEE and GIZ. The webinar started with the introduction speech of representative of PEDA and faculty of GZS School of Architecture and Planning.The importance of energy efficiency measures in the field of architecture was well explained in the introduction.The representatives from BEE and GIZ explained in detail about the EcoNiwas Samhita-the residential building energy efficiency code including its technical specifications, scope and compliance.Along with the code, a short introductory session on the Star labelling programme for Energy Efficient Homes was also explained to the attendees in the webinar.The technical sessions were followed by a quiz session.Participants for the awareness program included Faculties and Students from GZS School of Architecture and Planning, MRSPTU, Bathinda. The Total Number of participants were 139 in the webinar.