India saved Rs 89,122 crore through energy efficiency initiatives in 2018-19 and reduced energy intensity by 20 per cent in the fiscal compared to 2005 level, according to a report. India has set a target to reduce the energy intensity by 33-35 per cent by 2030 compared to 2005 level.Energy intensity is calculated by the unit of energy required per unit output or GDP (gross domestic product) and less energy used to produce a product reduces the intensity.
"The energy efficiency initiatives by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) led to savings worth Rs 89,122 crore in 2018-19," a report released by power minister R K Singh on Wednesday.
While unveiling the e-book, Singh said, "We have pledged in COP-21 that we will bring down energy intensity of economy by 33-35 per cent compared to 2005 levels by 2030. Now, with our energy efficiency initiatives we have already reduced the energy intensity of our economy by 20 per cent compared to 2005 levels which is a very good performance indeed.
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