V Suresh, National Chairman of the Indian Green Building Council said in a statement, “We have now achieved 75 per cent of our dream to facilitate 10 billion sq ft of green building footprint by 2022. India can become a world leader in sustainable built-environment only with the continued support, guidance and involvement of various national and international stakeholders. All the rating systems of IGBC are designed to address national priorities and are facilitating in meeting many of the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations.”
The IGBC, formed by CII in 2001, with the support of the government, developers, corporate sector, institutes and other stakeholders has enabled India to become one of the top 5 Countries in the world in terms of green buildings. As on date, there are 5,975 projects, equivalent to 7.55 billion sq ft, of green buildings and green built-environment in the country. These green projects, from the government and private sector, have adopted IGBCs’ rating systems such as Green Homes, Green New Buildings, Green Healthcare Facilities, Green Schools, Green Factory Buildings, Green Campuses, Green Townships, Green Cities, etc.
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