Awareness drive in Architectural Colleges on Eco-Niwas Samhita (Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings) was conducted as a webinar in..
The 10th webinar in Uttar Pradesh was conducted on 6th and 7th Oct 2020 for various stakeholders of Meerut, Muzaffarnagar and Saharanpur. The webinar was..
The 9th webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita in Uttar Pradesh was conducted on 1st Oct 2020 for various stakeholders of Prayagraj. The webinar was organized by..
An awareness programme and design studio was conducted on Eco-Niwas Samhita followed by competition by ENS cell Maharashtra, in association with..
One day awareness webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was organized by ENS Cell,Delhi in support with Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Punjab Energy Development Agency(PEDA) and..
One day awareness webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was organized by ENS Cell,Delhi in support with Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Management Centre(EE&REM) and..
Awareness drive in Architectural Colleges on Eco-Niwas Samhita (Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings) was conducted as a..
Awareness drive in Architectural Colleges on Eco-Niwas Samhita (Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings) was conducted as a..
One Day Training program on Eco-Niwas Samhita (Energy Conservation Building Code for..
One day awareness webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was..
One day awareness webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita was held on..
BEE and GIZ organized a Stakeholder Consultation Webinar on 19th June, 2020 on..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held in..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held in..
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency and GIZ organized a..
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency and GIZ organized a..
ENS Cell Karnataka in collaboration with BEE,GIZ and KREDL organized a one day webinar on..
The EcoNiwas Samhita 2018, residential building code was..
ENS Cell Karnataka,in collaboration with BEE,KREDL and GIZ organized a one day awareness webinar on..
ENS Cell Karnataka,in collaboration with BEE,KREDL and GIZ organized a one day awareness webinar on..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held on..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held on..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held on..
BEE and GIZ organized another awareness webinar on “Star Labelling for Energy Efficient Homes” on..
BEE and GIZ organized an awareness webinar on “Star Labelling for Energy Efficient Homes” on..
BEE and GIZ organized another awareness webinar on “Star Labelling for Energy Efficient Homes” on..
Financing has been one of the key drivers to pace energy efficiency movement in any country. There are many..
BEE and GIZ organized an awareness webinar on “Star Labelling for Energy Efficient Homes” on..
Awareness program for real Estate Professionals on EcoNiwas Samhita Implementation and..
One day webinar on EcoNiwas Samhita Awareness and Training program was held in the state of Uttar Pradesh on..
ENS Cell in support with UP NEDA, BEE, and GIZ organised the 4th webinar on..
ENS Cell Punjab in support with PEDA, BEE, and GIZ organised the fifth webinar on..
The 3nd webinar of ENS Awareness was conducted on 28rd April 2020 for architectural colleges in..
ENS Cell Punjab in support with PEDA, BEE, and GIZ organised the 4th webinar on..
The second one day ENS Awareness and Training webinar was organized by ENS Cell, Uttar Pradesh in support with..
ENS cell Karnataka, in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency..
One day webinar on ENS Awareness and Training was organized by..
One day ENS Awareness and Training webinar was organized by ENS Cell, Uttar Pradesh in..
ENS cell Maharashtra, in association with..
EcoNiwas Samhita Cell ,Punjab in support with Punjab Energy Development Agency..
EcoNiwas Samhita Cell ,Punjab in support with Punjab Energy Development Agency..