Energy Conservation – New Indian Way for Affordable & Sustainable homes



Accelerating Recovery for People Through Building Energy Efficiency

  • Vision Daily
  • October 22, 2020

Energy-efficient buildings are an important key to unlocking recovery from the health and economic crises of COVID-19, as well as a critical solution for..

Power to the people - A case for energy-efficient appliances in rural India

  • Vision Daily
  • September 14, 2020

Studies have shown there is a constant rise in rural incomes in India and therefore people are expected to..

Is India Ready For Energy Efficient Hotels?

  • Vision Daily
  • September 14, 2020

The tourism sector in India is growing with respect to ingress of foreigners form all around the world. To keep up with such intense strength of..

With 7.50 billion sq ft of green buildings, India among the top 5 globally

  • Vision Daily
  • September 14, 2020

V Suresh, National Chairman of the Indian Green Building Council said in a statement, “We have now achieved 75 per cent of our..

Energy efficiency and behavioural change: Reducing carbon footprint through ICT and sustainable actions

  • Vision Daily
  • September 08, 2020

The fact that there is an untapped potential for energy savings that..

Delhi’s IGI Airport Exploring Clean Energy Alternatives

  • Vision Daily
  • September 08, 2020

The Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIAL), a joint venture which is led by the GMR Group, which operates the..

Why India must focus on energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Vision Daily
  • August 28, 2020

Even during this unprecedented time of COVID-19, the work to eliminate the existential threat of..

Visualizing heat flow in bamboo could help design more energy-efficient and fire-safe buildings

  • Vision Daily
  • November 13, 2019

Modified natural materials will be an essential component of a sustainable future, but..

Self-learning heating control system saves energy

  • Vision Daily
  • January 30, 2020

Can buildings learn to save all by themselves? Researchers think so. In their experiments, they fed a new self-learning heat¬ing control system with..

Lab turns trash into valuable graphene in a flash'Green' process promises pristine graphene in bulk using waste food, plastic and other materials

  • Vision Daily
  • January 27, 2020

That banana peel, turned into graphene, can help facilitate a massive reduction of the..