The second one day ENS Awareness and Training webinar was organized by ENS Cell,Uttar Pradesh in support with UP NEDA, BEE and GIZ on 23rd April 2020 for various stakeholders of Noida and Greater Noida.
The objective of the webinar was to understand the signifIcance of Eco-Niwas Samhita 2018, its technical aspects and compliance. Representatives from BEE , GIZ and UPNEDA spoke about the steps taken by Bureau of Energy Efficiency and UPNEDA for implementation of various energy policies in residential building sector and for the building sectors in Uttar Pradesh.The webinar was divided into two sessions followed by Q&A.The key features of EcoNiwas Samhita was discussed in the first session and the key features of Residential building labelling programme was discussed in the second session.The attendees were from different states; primarily from Uttar Pradesh. The total number of audience was two hundred included architects covering various cities of Uttar Pradesh – Noida and Greater Noida. Attendees from Mumbai and other cities also attended the webinar.